Thursday, May 3, 2012



          Vigan! One of the most visited city in the North. No one can denied it!

            If they said " Calle Crisologo". Automatically this placed where we gonna find one of the most oldest structures of houses or buildings that the Spanish era were built. Like Cebu, Vigan city were colonized by the Spaniards. So, they inherited some of the traits and culture of the Spaniards. One of this are the old houses that are found in " Calle Crisologo".

        Aside from " Calle Crisologo". They where also other beautiful places in Vigan. For example, the " Balwarte". It is owned by Gov. Luis Chavit Singson. Take note there is no entrance fee is collected. " Balwarte" is just like a mini zoo. You can see different animals there. Like ostrich, tiger, deer, and most of all the extraordinary kind of horse. I said extraordinary, because of their height, it reaches only our hips...ha ha!!

                      Of course your trip will never be completed if you don't have  pasalubong. There is different variety of pasalubong in Vigan. To name some are the following. " Basi " a native wine made up of sugar cane, Ilocos chichacorn, Ilocos longganisa, and most of all " Bagnet" made up of pork meat and they stir fry it....


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