Thursday, May 10, 2012


         Anyway before anything else what is scale model if we heard this term? For me scale model is a miniature model or representation of one thing. For example a building, a classroom, or even a house.
         I said this was my first memorable scale model , because this was my first time to create a scale model and at the same time it so happened that one of our group member is my crush in school...ha ha!

               I am very active in participating in creating our scale model because I was inspired and also this is our project in our major subject. At first, we had hard time to figure out what materials do we need in creating our scale model. We worked at weekends only to come up with a good model and because it seems like we are running out of time. Not only that we also worked during our free days. During week ends we worked on our group mate's house.


             At the end, through the combined effort and hard worked of each other in group. We came up with a beautiful scale model. Thank's also to my crush. Maybe with out her, I can't give all my best...ha ha!    




     Mother's Day! One of the most memorable day for our mother. This day where we celebrate's the sacrifices that our mother made for us. We all know that with out them we can't live in this world.
       It such an honor for us in remembering all the sacrifices that our mother gave to us since we are inside their womb. They are also responsible in making and shaping our good attitude. In terms of moral, mental, and spiritual attitude. They are also served as our first teacher. Without their guidance, our life become miserable. If we have problems in relation to our love life, financial issues, and career, they are the first person we seek for advice.
           That's  why we must love our mother. We must treasure all every little things that we've been sharing with them. So, I am thankful and blessed for having such a wonderful mother.

Thursday, May 3, 2012



          Vigan! One of the most visited city in the North. No one can denied it!

            If they said " Calle Crisologo". Automatically this placed where we gonna find one of the most oldest structures of houses or buildings that the Spanish era were built. Like Cebu, Vigan city were colonized by the Spaniards. So, they inherited some of the traits and culture of the Spaniards. One of this are the old houses that are found in " Calle Crisologo".

        Aside from " Calle Crisologo". They where also other beautiful places in Vigan. For example, the " Balwarte". It is owned by Gov. Luis Chavit Singson. Take note there is no entrance fee is collected. " Balwarte" is just like a mini zoo. You can see different animals there. Like ostrich, tiger, deer, and most of all the extraordinary kind of horse. I said extraordinary, because of their height, it reaches only our hips...ha ha!!

                      Of course your trip will never be completed if you don't have  pasalubong. There is different variety of pasalubong in Vigan. To name some are the following. " Basi " a native wine made up of sugar cane, Ilocos chichacorn, Ilocos longganisa, and most of all " Bagnet" made up of pork meat and they stir fry it....



       Love song! Every time I am stressed I tuned to my cellphone and listened to my favorite love songs that I saved. It relieves my stresses, problems and sometimes it makes me inspired.
      No matter how hard our projects and assignments in school , by simply listening to those music. It becomes easier for me to do my assignments and projects.
      To enumerate some of my favorite songs are the following:
                                                                  " Stay by Lisa Leob"
                                                               " Swept Away by Dianne Elise"
                                             " When Love and Hate Collides by Def Leppard"
                                                               " Iris By Goo Goo Dolls"
                                               " Run away and what can i do by The Corrs"
         I like this kind of  love song, because the rhythm is very smooth and the content or message of the song are beautiful. It keeps me In love....ha ha!!^^ Not only this every time I played them I remember my crush and it keeps me inspired and to strive more in life. So, I am thankful to those music, because they were composed...ha ha^^


B.G.C- Bonifacio Global City


        Have you ever been in B.G.C.? Also known as Bonifacio Global City. Well, if not yet you better try to experience the beauty of tha said City.

          Well, I said so, because I had been working there last year. The city was so beautiful , less populated, less polluted and is very clean. I think this city is one of the most beautiful city in Metro Manila. There is so many beautiful places to visit with in this city. For example Market Market and Mind Museum. Well, Mind museum is not familiar yet, because it is newly opened to the public.
     Like Makati, Global City is also center for call center industries. Most of job offers their are call center agents. But I did not work their as a call center agent..ha ha!! Our company is not a call center .Its only happened that our company is outsourced in Global City.


       Like I had said Global City is not yet populated unlike Makati. So, If ever you have free time try to visit this city and you will be amazed!!                          

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


     Summer season! One of the season where the companies treat their employees and give them time to relax and forget about their work...ha ha! This is the most extravagant company summer outing that I've ever attended.
      The place were so beautiful and we are the first company who visited this beach resort. It takes 3 hours of travel from Manila to reach this beautiful place in San Juan, Batangas.

        There's a lot of programs were done in this summer outing. They were also lots of guest attended. Among them are stand up comedians and also Aubrey Miles. Well every guy is getting hotter not only because of the hot summer, its also because of Aubrey Miles...ha ha!            


        One of the highlights of the program was the search for Mr. and Ms. Sunpower. Well lots of beautiful girls and handsome boys were participated in the said search.  

           After the search lots of different band in different departments also participated. And its the time were the employees were jammed together, there singing, dancing...etc.
               Aside from this parties will never be completed with out the presence of drinks...ha ha! Different kinds of drinks scattered everywhere ranging from beer, red wine, vodka, tequila...etc. After the long hours of drinking its time also to get wet....ha ha! Its the time for the main event ....and I'm talking about swimming...



      My stay at Eagle view  is one of the most happiest work experienced that I've never forgot. I am so happy to work with them. All employees are still young. Their age is averaging about 20 years old.

       We have all common trip, laugh trip, sound trip, during working hours....ha ha! The company is not that much strict. During working hours, you can bring your own loudspeakers. During break time you can browse the internet, well exept for porn...ha ha!
          One thing that brings happiness in our work is that, our team members is composed of jokers most especially our team leader. I remember one day when we are in graveyard shift. One of our team  member fell asleep. So what our  team leader did is to remove his personal computer and keyboard replacing it with illustration board serves as his monitor, a launch box serves as his keyboard and white board eraser serves as his mouse....ha ha!
              By the time our team member woke up he is shocked because his personal computer is disappeared...ha ha! Everyone in the team is shouting , laughing, and clapping. Our team member is so embarrassed on what happen to him.
          Aside from that , after our shift we went to Market Market to have a good time. We drink at Giligans or Gerry's Grill. Sometimes our team member also celebrates their birthday party here. So this are the reasons why I am so happy in working with Eagle view.



    "Farming" one of the most noble occupation in the world. We all know that with out farmers we can not eat fresh vegetables, rice, corn, fruits.....etc.. I am proud that my parents are one of them.
     One of the most unforgettable experience that I remember was happened in my childhood. That time my father planted tobacco.
        For me tobacco is one of the most hardest crop to raise. By the time that the leaves of the tobacco is ripen. Our parents woke up at dawn together with our neighbors to harvest the ripen leaves. After few hours we need also to wake up to deliver the bread or "pandesal" together with the coffee in the farm in order for them to eat their breakfast. By 9 A.M. we need to go home together with the harvested leaves of tobacco because the temperature in the farm is becoming hotter.
        At home we arranged the leaves of the tobacco using pointed stick of bamboo.
         After arranging we cook this tobacco leaves using huge customized cooker in ilokano we called it "pugon". It is 3 storey high in height and it is wide as the size of typical masters bedroom.
           After 4 to 5 days of cooking we then bundle it and ready for selling.            
           After a long processes, labor and hard work  it worth it. And that's the one of the most unforgettable experience that I've ever had when I was a child.


Sunday, April 15, 2012



 "Learning" one of the most important thing and treasure of our life. You can't  get nor buy this elsewhere. It is also the most important thing that our parents can give to us. Without Learning you can't lang on a job.
           I decided to continue my studies and get another course in order to broaden and enhanced my knowledge and skills. That's why I enrolled technical drafting. This where I am happy  and interested on. I believe in their saying that. If you love what you are doing in life, there's a bigger chance that you will be succeed in you're life.....                                            


     Everyone know's having a new friend add's a new chapter to to their lives. Because of them there will be a new experiences that will be added in our life. Experiences that we will never be forgot. They are the one who will touches our soul's. New friends with different attitudes and experiences.
      Because of their different experiences, we can learn from them new things. That's contributes to our immaturity. It's nice to have new friends. New adventures is awaiting. They are all still young.That's why they love adventure.They love bar hopping, outing's....and everything that goes under the sun....haha!.. So, that's why I am very happy with my new friends!


   When she came to this world. My sister is one of the most happy  people in the whole world. Everybody in the family knows that. The feeling of giving birth to a new human being.
     Her name was "Chealsy Sofia". I am also proud and happy during that time. Because I knew that there is new member in our family. We all know that having a new baby is a blessing from God. We can't explain the happiness we felt that this new life brings. Aside from being Uncle, I am also the one as her Godfather. When I went home last Holy Week. We did a lot of bonding. I am the one who taking good care of her. We went to different houses of our relatives. and entertaining her the whole day. Because of her my stresses fades away....That's why I love her so much....Like a love coming from a real father.....

Wednesday, April 11, 2012



          Many people nowadays don't know the important benefit of vegetable's on their diet. Some people prefer to eat their lunch or dinner on a restaurant or fast food chain that had been scattered everywhere. As we all know vegetable's have so many vitamins and anti-oxidant that essential to our body in order for us to become healthy.
        So, the ILOKANO FOOD plays important role in terms of diet. One of the most famous Ilokano food is called "Pinakbet". We all know that this single dish alone contains different types of vegetables that are essential to a healthy diet. Most of Ilokano food or dishes contains different types of vegetables, like "Dinengdeng". To name some vegetables are the ff: eggplant, squash, saluyot, okra, sitaw, winged bean, patola, ampalaya/ ampalaya leaves, malunggay and many more....Truely that ILOKANO FOOD is an amazing dish that Ilokano's created...And I am proud to say that I am a Ilokano........^^




Everyone has its own line of interest or hobbies. Sometimes these hobbies make one people busy. Like for me there's one thing that I'm addicted on. There are times that I can no longer eat because of this hobbies and it keep me busy the whole day. I'm talking about Sketch -up and Auto CAD.


        Through this advanced software we can easily create thing's we want to be built. It makes me happy when I created things on my mind through Sketch-up and Auto CAD. It also helps my mind to exercise and to improve my thinking ability through this creative designing. If I'm bored I went to the front of p.c. then start creating my ideas using this software. It help's me a lot, so thanks to my hobbies.... Ha Ha !!...



            "HAPPIEST VACATION - 04/07/12". I chose this title for my first blog because it brings so many unforgettable moments to me. As we all know Holy Week is the time where family and friends are gathering and make some reunions and also the time to remember the sacrifices that Jesus Christ made for us.

           We did a lot of bonding moments together with my friend's and cousin's coming from the States. We attended fiesta's on nearby barrio's. We walked instead of using car or motorcycle. So,  I take this opportunity to chat with my friend's and cousin's. One of the most unforgettable moment happened that day, is when my crush invited me to play tong-its....^_^. One of the most famous game using playing card. I am a little bit shy that moment because I was not expecting it. That's why I called it HAPPIEST VACATION I've ever had!!!...So, these are the only few thing's that happened that day that I've never forget....
    This is my first time to create my own blog. Sorry if there's some error in grammar....Ha Ha......I hope you guys like it.....^_^